August Official Selection
Here come the best submitted films!
Drama Short
"Not Now"
Andrew Liulko (Ukraine, 2020)
"The Last Drop"
Fabrizio Speranza (Italy, 2020)
"Love Is Gone with the Autumn Wind"
Li Xingchen (China,2020)
"White Paradise"
Xavier Istasse (Belgium, 2020)
Horror Short
"Through the Field"
Kristina Sidorova (Russia, 2020)
"Son of a human being"
Evgeny Vedrov (Russia, 2020)
Narrative Short
"The Birdcage"
Alexander Ivanov (Russia, 2020)
"I Was Born For You, Before There Was A World"
Lucas Marques (Brazil, 2020)
Documentary Short
Jelte van Lente & Hanne van der Velde (Netherlands, 2020)
Sergey Filatov (Russia, 2020)
Phil Comeau (Canada, 2020)
Aleksey Ebinger (Russia, 2020)
Mobile Short (incl. Vertical films)
"Wind Spirit"
Konrad Miklaszewski, Andrzej Kosma Perliński (Poland, 2020)
Katsuhide Yamago (Japan, 2020)
Experimental Short
Julia Kud (Russial, 2020)
Kimberley Wells (Australia,2020)
"River Rd."
Shira Zaid (USA, 2020)
"Last Goodbye"
Guillermo Martin Sepulveda (Australia, 2020)
"Imagine none of this is real"
Nicole Baker (USA, 2020)
Hubert Bąk and Krzysztof Jersak (Poland, 2020)
Comedy Short
Oleg Ageychev (Russia, 2020)
Maksim Vareshko (Russia, 2020)
"Death of the official"
Artem Gilemyanov (Russia, 2020)
Artem Zhdanov (Russia, 2020)
"We'll Call You Back"
German Smirnov (Russia, 2020)
"Dirty Windows"
Evgeny Dobrorodnov (Russia, 2020)
"The Pubic Hair"
Carolin Glomp (Germany, 2020)
Student Short
"A jag in the duplex system"
Valerie Knill (Germany,2020)
Christian Schneider (Portugal, 2020)
"Gift From Above"
Justin Blais (Canada, 2020)
Animation Short
"My Flatmate Jonas"
Yannik Wiedwald (Germany, 2020)
Dayoung Hwang (USA,2020)
Extreme Short (<1 min.)
"Summer Daydream 2020"
Lisa Kimura (Japan, 2020)
Jake Rasmussen (USA, 2020)
Fashion Short
Pavel Kulevkin (Russia, 2020)
Series Short
Alexey Talyzin (Russia, 2020)
Special Mention
"Laundromat on the Corner"
Tetsuki Ijichi (USA, 2020)
"Out Of Sync"
Sasuke Sayama (Japan, 2020)
"The Man and the Purple Door"
Amos Hernandez (USA, 2020)
"Пандемия: Дом Костей"
Logan Fry (USA, 2020)
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